We believe that homework is an important part of students’ learning.
The aims we have for homework are:
- To practise or reinforce work covered in class, particularly in the core skills of reading, spelling, maths and writing.
- To develop the partnership between home and school for supporting students’ learning.
- To encourage students to be taking more responsibility for their own learning as they progress through the school.
Through our homework approach we want to:
- Ensure that teachers, parents/carers and students have a clear understanding regarding expectations for homework.
- Ensure that teachers, parents and students are fully aware of the role they play with regard to home work.
- Ensure a consistent approach to home work throughout school.
- Use home work to help raise standards of attainment.
- Encourage pupils and parents to share and enjoy learning experiences at home.
- Encourage students to develop the responsibility, confidence and self-discipline needed to study independently.
- Help prepare students for making the transition to secondary school.