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West Wimbledon Primary School


Communication with parents is an essential component of  a successful school. We aim to keep parents fully informed of any news and events via Parentmail, our fortnightly Bulletin, this website and letters via pupil post.

Parents provide incredible support for the work of the School by reading with children at home, accompanying class trips, giving feedback through surveys and attending Parents’ Evenings.

We keep parents informed about our school with regular communication – letters home in children’s’ book bags, e-mail via Parentmail, text messages and our fortnightly bulletin, as well as this website. 

Our two Parents’ Consultations and Summer Open Evening each year give parents full information about their child’s progress, and teaching staff – as well as the School’s senior staff – are always happy to meet parents at other mutually convenient times to discuss any further aspects of a child’s school life.

We run workshops to help parents explore subjects relating to raising children. Topics such as the importance of sleep for children and families, positive parenting and bereavement have been previous discussion subjects.

Our school’s relationship with parents is as important as our relationship with the children. We ask all parents to keep us informed about anything that may affect a child whilst in school, and we endeavour to be available to parents as much as possible to aid this relationship.

Through the Friends of West Wimbledon (FoWW) our parents help to provide a huge variety of fun events for our whole school community and social events for one another, as well as raising an incredibly impressive and very welcome amount of money each year.

For information on making a complaint, please see our ‘Complaints Procedure’ in the ‘Our Policies’ section of this website.