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West Wimbledon Primary School

Pupil Voice

West Wimbledon has a whole school commitment to listening to the views, wishes and experiences of all children who walk through our doors. We place value on what our young people say about their school experiences. 

We provide children with meaningful opportunities to share their experiences, views and hopes for the school. We empower them to feel safe to speak out and be heard. 

We strive that through this process, the school continues to build on the happy, succesfull and driven community that we are. 

There are many opportunities for our pupils and these include: 

School Council

The School Council enables children to have a say in the running of their school. This pupil voice provides the children with a greater sense of belonging, helps them to gather and collate ideas and develop a greater understanding of the need to work co operatively for the good of others. 

The School Council comprises children from Years 1 - 6. These children are elected by their peers. They represent the views of their class and feedback on the points discussed at each meeting. 

The children have initiated changes in the playground provisions, they have been pivotol in the choices of charities for our school fundraisers and they continue to help us to adapt and grow our school. 


Pupil Leadership Team

In Year 6, children have the opportunity to run for a position in our pupil leadership team. This team comprises of 8 children who fulfil the following roles: Head Boy, Deputy Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Girl and 4 house captains (Blue, Green, Yellow and Red). 

The first step in the process, is for children to experience the 'application process'. At this point, they are invited to complete an expression of interest for a role. Then after this, the Leadership team at school will meet to finalise the team for the year. Our aim is always to link to the real world - and this is a wonderful opportunity for experiencing the process of a job application. 

The team hold many responsibilities around the school, including, but not limited too: meeting and greeting of parents at school events, speaking at school tours, collecting and counting house tokens, setting up the hall for assemblies, presenting in assemblies, speaking to the wider community about charity events, helping to monitor behaviour at breaktimes/lunchtimes and assisting our younger children. 


Class Ambassadors

We know that when prospective parents come to our school, they want to know about the experiences of the children - and what better way to do this, than from the children themselves. Each class from Year 1 -6 has an elected 'Class Ambassador'. Their role is to talk to parents when they come round about what is happening in their classroom. Maybe they are mid maths lesson and can tell you all about it or maybe they are just about to complete a Science experiment. We know that our children will explain all about their learning!


Pupil Survey

All our children get the opportunity once a year to share their views via the pupil survey. Here they can share their views on teaching and learning, behaviour and outcomes and extra curricular opportunities. Children's voice continues to shape our school, wherever possible.